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4 Do's and Don'ts for a Successful Backyard Landscape Design

Written by Anne Marie DiMatteo | Mon, Mar 23, 2015

A great backyard landscape design makes all the difference in how you and your family enjoy your outdoorspaces.

Massachusetts has some of the best summer weather in the country, and you want to make sure you get the most out of everything.

When you're planning your design, you want to make sure it works well for your lifestyle, your family's needs, and looks great.

1. Do Use a Landscape Design Company

There is a lot to be said about using a landscape design company. When you hire professional landscapers, you'll know that everything has been taken care of properly, from start to finish. Here are some of the advantages of design professionals:

  • Full design services - You have the advantage of having your landscaped yard or healing garden designed in a way that perfectly suits your needs. There is no need to worry about whether the dimensions will be right or if plants are in a place where they will interfere with anything. Experts who perform this type of work know how to make sure that everything works together. 
  • Professional installation - There is never any need to worry about whether your job was done right. A professional landscaping company that works in the Arlington area knows about the various issues that affect local yards and any special steps that are necessary. You don't have to worry about a single important step being missed. 
  • Maintenance that is worry-free - In addition to backyard landscape design and installation, professionals also offer maintenance services. Your new garden or landscape area will look as good as it did on the day it was installed. One of the nicest things about keeping your yard maintained is that you won't have to schedule a special time for a maintenance job ahead of a party or other event in your yard.

2. Don't Use Invasive Plants

Although non-native species stand out, they come with some challenges. Plants that prefer hot, dry climates would have difficulty in Massachusetts' cooler, wetter climate. If you use plants that aren't very cold-hardy, you will have to consider replacements each spring.

  • Landscaping experts know how to select plants that suit the homeowner's yard. One of the biggest challenges that you will avoid when using a landscaping expert is having to research which plants to use. Landscape professionals will know what to work with in order to give you the look you want. 
  • Native plants are more adaptable and likely to survive cold winter nights. The good thing about native plants is that they blend in with your surroundings and help keep your local ecosystem healthy. There is nothing better than having a yard that looks as natural as possible. 
  • Backyard landscape design professionals help ensure that all of the plants stay in good shape. A single diseased plant can ruin the whole effect of your landscaping. With regular maintenance, you can rely on having diseased or dead plants replaced.  

3. Do Consider the Benefits of an Organic Lawn

Your backyard landscape design will benefit from an organic lawn. Real lawns are a much more attractive alternative to artificial turf. An organic lawn features grass that adapts well to both the climate and to other local plants.

  • Many homes, especially in the Cambridge area, have a high market value. Part of maintaining your home's value, especially if you intend to sell, When you have professional landscaping that includes maintenance, your property will always be ready to impress.
  • You'll be pleased to know that your landscaper isn't going to have to devote most of their time to taking care of your lawn. Organic lawns often have fewer watering requirements, a fact that is a welcome relief for many. You need only sit back and let the professionals cope with the rest.
  • The biggest advantage to an organic lawn is that it is pesticide-free. Your kids and pets will be able to spend a lot of time outside, without any need for you to worry about whether they'll get sick. Because your lawn will be chemical-free, you'll enjoy attracting butterflies, birds and other wildlife that make life interesting.

4. Don't Discount Any Possible Uses

When planning their backyard landscape designany people will think mainly of one use only, like entertaining. However, most people use their yards for multiple purposes. Having your yard designed with all options in mind helps ensure that you will get the most out of everything.

  • Remember that dogs and cats can harm your lawn or plants. Consider having areas you don't want a dog digging in fenced off. You can also have flower beds and mulched areas cat-proofed.
  • If you have younger children, raised vegetable or flower beds are good for keeping toys out of your plants. The landscape designers can use these, as well as fencing, to help keep children out of certain areas. When you have a larger yard, it's easier to plan distinctive areas for kids' play.
  • An outdoor fireplace area, with seating, is perfect for entertaining and family gatherings. If you prefer, you can have this area up on a patio or deck. You'll enjoy all your gatherings even more with beautiful landscaping. 

Backyard landscape design is your path to a yard and garden area that you'll enjoy. When you choose professional services to set everything up, all of your worries about the planning process are out of the way. Taking advantage of maintenance is another way to have a more carefree life.

Photo credit: BettyNudler / Foter / CC BY